The Cleveland Chamber Collective will present a free concert on Saturday, August 3, at 7:00 p. m. at Disciples Christian Church. The concert will feature award-winning composers Caroline Shaw, Missy Mazzoli, Jessie Montgomery, Canadian composer Michael Oesterle, as well as local favorites Trevor Kazarian and Eric Charnofsky. This Summer’s Evening of intimate works will have on display various styles and harmonic languages, from pop and jazz influenced, to the Baroque and Renaissance Ayers. Not to mention sine waves and flower pots.
Hope Trevor Kazarian
Trevor Kazarian, cello
Boris S. Kerner Caroline Shaw
Trevor Kazarian, cello, Dylan Moffitt, flower pots
Orizzonte Missy Mazzoli
Eric Charnofsky, piano
Ayre Michael Oesterle
Emily Cornelius, violin, Dylan Moffitt, vibraphone
Peace Jessie Montgomery
Brian Slawta, viola, Eric Charnofsky, piano
Four Characters Eric Charnofsky
1) Reverie
2) Popcorn Music
3) Elegy
4) Octatonica
Linda White, flute, Eric Charnofsky, piano
Limestone and Felt Caroline Shaw
Brian Slawta, viola, Trevor Kazarian, cello